How to raise Betta fish in a tank to grow fast, healthy, and spawn a lot

How to raise Betta fish in a tank to grow fast, healthy, and spawn a lot

Betta fish is also known as fighting fish, fighting fish, betta fish. Referring to small beautiful ornamental fish that are easy to raise, everyone loves Siamese fish. Famous for its colorful tail fins like an evening dress, the Siamese fish easily catches the eye of fish lovers. Today, with learn how to raise Siamese fish quickly and effectively!


Betta fish breed information

Some basic information about beautiful ornamental Betta fish that are easy to keep:

  • Scientific name: Betta spp.
  • Category details:
How to raise Betta fish
How to raise Betta fish
  • Order: Perciformes (order of sea bass).
  • Family: Osphronemidae (the giant fish family).
  • Belonging to species: The origin of the fighting fish belongs to the species of Betta splendens Regan, through hundreds of years of selection and breeding, it is very rare and difficult to identify pure fighting fish on the market.
  • Other names: Lia thia, Siamese fighting fish, Fighting fish, Finch fish, Betta fish.
  • Other English name: Siamese fighting fish; Fighting fish.
  • Origin: Fish source from wild fishing and imported (lia siamese) more than 100 years ago following the footsteps of Chinese traders (Doan Khac Do, 2007). Fish has been popularly produced in the country since the 40s and 50s.
English Name: Betta
Other names: Siamese fish, Fighting fish

Instructions for choosing the size of the tank and changing the water for fish farming

For small aquatic fish such as fighting fish, it is recommended to choose a tank length of 60 cm and a standard size of 60 × 30 × 30 cm.

  • Partial Water Change: Change the water at least once a week. Small tanks or aquariums without a filter will need frequent water changes. For a partial water change, you will have to drain some of the water out of your current aquarium and replace it with clean, treated water. Using a clean mug or something similar, scoop out about 25% to 50% of the water in the current aquarium. Leave the fighting fish in the tank when you draw the water out.
  • Full water change: Only necessary when the tank is very dirty, or if ammonia levels remain high after several partial water changes. When changing the water, pay attention to use a racket to pick up the fighting fish, take the fighting fish out of the tank to a clean water bowl. Pick up the fighting fish very lightly because the fish scales are very easy to hurt.
  • Water temperature (C): 24 – 30
  • Water hardness (dH): 5 – 20
  • pH: 6.0 – 8.0

Selection of food for fighting fish and how to feed

Larvae, larvae, mosquito larvae, also known as “bloodworms” are food for fighting fish chosen by many farmers. However, many owners have shared that their fighting fish died after eating too many larvae. You need to be careful when feeding fish every day.

  • Shrimp larvae are also a kind of “fever” fighting fish food today. With a high cost, rich in nutrients and less infectious, you can reward your betta fish once a week to balance nutrition, change the taste for better fish.
  • If you do not have the patience to go to the aquarium shop every day to buy “live bait” for your betta, the food for your betta fish that should be stored in the refrigerator is frozen food. This food source is made from crustaceans, worms, etc., which are crushed and frozen, so they can be used for a long time. Note that when feeding the fighting fish, the owner needs to defrost, disperse and then release to feed the fish to prevent the fish from being able to eat because the size of the cold food is still quite large.
  • If a live food source is not available, you can use dry food (such as dried earthworms) or pre-packaged pellets in a box. These sources can provide enough nutrition for Siamese fish, but not their “favorite”. If you are too busy and do not have enough time to prepare food for fighting fish, then this is the option to mix with fresh food, so you do not have to “swirl” with the Siamese aquarium.

Tips to help the fighting fish reproduce and how to take care of the fry

Betta fish have a fairly short life span of 2-3 years. But until the 6th month or more, we can proceed to spawn them. And choosing a standard male and female to produce a good brood depends on the selection of good parents, so here are some tips to help choose the following breeding fighting fish:

Male: The bigger the general the better, the color you need to choose the fish must be very standard, the scale fins must not be torn or pale in color, the pelvic and dorsal fins should have wide spread, not deformed, and The more aggressive the fish, the better, the trick for you to choose a fish is to choose whether there is floating foam on the ancho’s house, if any foam floats, that child is “fizzy” and we have succeeded 35% already because of the calculation. The male fish gas is very decisive in creating fry.

Female: Similar to an anchovy, but when choosing a grinding fish you need to pay attention to the “belly” to see if their belly is large and round, it is best to catch the fish on the hand cage to see if the anus has “white acne”, if any. then the female is ready to give birth, you need to prepare a breeding place for them.

Tips to help press Betta fish successfully:

  • Just 1 bowl (pot) of water about 10-15cm high, green or blue is good.
  • Drop a few dried leaves in the pot.
  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of salt (prevent disease, kill bacteria).
  • Add 1/3 of Tetracycline tablets to stimulate the male fish to release foam and prevent disease when the fry are newly hatched.
  • Set the water level to about 10cm.
  • Prepare a brick or cardboard to cover when the fish is pressed.
  • After 1 week for the roof embankment, at this time, the water in the pressing lake also turns yellow (leaf leaves).
  • Conditions for pressing: Seeing the female fish squirming as if she wants to swim towards the male fish, the person floats with melon stripes, the belly is yellow.
  • Because of the long embankment, the male fighting fish will rarely bite the female, so there is no need to prepare a hiding place for the female.
  • Drop 1 duckweed leaf on the surface of the water so that the fighting fish has room to release foam.
  • Drop 2 of them at the same time and cover tightly, leaving a little room for air to come in.
  • Make sure the press does not have strong noises, strong light, cats, dogs, etc.
  • After 2 days (when the female has finished laying), gently remove the female to avoid affecting the foam nest.
  • Eggs will hatch within 24-48 hours (warm temperature will hatch eggs quickly).
  • Get a yellow light bulb to light in the evening so that the male can pick up the dropped eggs.

How to take care of baby aquarium fish:

  • After 2 days from hatching, it is necessary to feed.
  • It is possible to feed grassworms but it is easy to dirty the water so it is best to prepare baby boars for young fighting fish to eat.

How to prepare:

  • Buy bobo from the store and drop it in a pot of water with leaves, full of seaweed 1 day before the day of feeding the fry.
  • On the day when the fry can eat, shine the light in the bowl of water, bobo, bobo is attracted to the light, so he will swim towards the light, just take the suction cylinder and pump it into the pressing tank for the fry to eat.
  • Feed the fry with bobo until the 10th day of age, then you can train the fry to eat worms.
  • In order for the fry to grow quickly, it is recommended to change the water once a day, at 50% each time and must be chlorinated water.
  • On day 10, release the fry to a larger rearing area (note that the father can be taken out on the 5th or 7th day).
  • Just change the water and feed like that until 3-4 months old, then give the fish its own glue.

Tips for choosing a Betta . aquarium

Habitat: Proper water source is very important for ornamental fish in general and fighting fish in particular. Fighting fish is suitable for soft water, suitable pH is neutral or mild (preferably between 6.8-7.4) Fighting fish can live in fresh water, river water or well water. Water temperature is equally important. Warm water is the best environment for fighting fish to grow (ranging from 24-30 degrees Celsius).

Aquarium decoration: The fighting fish tank contains at least 15 liters of water. Siamese ornamental fish adapt easily to the narrow living environment as we can keep it in glass jars, glue jars. Because the fighting fish has a very special respiratory system called the labyrinth that most other species do not have, it can breathe through the surface of the water. When raising ornamental fighting fish, we do not need to attach oxygen aerators like some other species. To increase the beauty of the water tank, we can add some glitter pebbles and some aquatic plants.

Release the fish into the tank: First, we have to let the fighting fish adapt to the new environment, we soak the fish bag in the tank for about 15 minutes, put a little water in the tank to let the fish get used to the new environment, then release the fish in. bellows.


What fish are fighting fish raised with?

Can fighting fish (betta, lia thia, siamese) be kept with other fish? And if so, who would be suitable to live in the tank with them? Here are the 5 best species that can be kept together and live in peace with this somewhat aggressive fighting fish:

  • White Cloud Mountain Minnow
  • Clown pleco (Clown pleco)
  • Pygmy Mouse Fish (Pygmy Corydora)
  • Red Velvet – Amber Tetras
  • Harlequin Rasboras (Harlequin Rasboras)

Above is how to raise Betta fish fast and healthy. Hope this article is useful to you!

Frequently asked questions

Origin of Betta fish?

Siamese fish is also known as betta fish or lia thia: with its origin believed to be from Thailand in fighting fish. Then thanks to its popularity, Siamese fish was brought to other countries and is now widely popular in Southeast Asian countries. Currently, Vietnamese betta connoisseurs often prefer to play Thai and Indo fish (Indonesia).

How is the food for Betta fish?

Fish food is a frequently asked question in the series of how to raise questions. Essentially, like the fish in its genus, the siamese or siamese are carnivores. A special feature is that they have an upturned mouth structure that makes foraging on the surface easy and efficient.
This is an easy fish to raise, a fairly diverse food source, including natural food and synthetic food from farmers. Farmers do not need to worry about what to eat, but can refer to some specific food lines below:
In the wild, they mainly eat zooplankton (1 species of plankton), beetles (larvae), animal carcasses, red worms, small shrimp, small shrimp and some larvae of other insects or fish smaller than themselves. .
In fact, farmers can also feed fish with synthetic feeds sold on the market, usually a combination of bran, starch with shrimp, fish puree, …
The food for spoonfish is very popular on the market today. You should make sure to feed them 2-3 times a day for fingerlings and 1-2 times a day for adults. If the source of food and nutrients is guaranteed, fish will live longer, have more colorful and beautiful colors, torn fins will heal faster.

Hiện nay loại thức ăn phổ biến được nhiều ae đồng ngư cho cá betta nhiều nhất là: bobo, artemia, trùng huyết, trùng chỉ, lăng quăng.

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